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John Lewis BBQ Tray for 2 people (kl. 13.00)

Lewis Barbecue, June 14th, 1st Seating
Id: 1800699192

Lewis Barbecue POP UP Restaurant Saturday June 14th, Starting at 12:00 noon – 16:00 or until the fun stops.
There will be live music!
Presale of tickets here only!

Velkommen til barbecue lunch med legendariske pitmaster John Lewis (Lewis Barbecue).
Når: Lørdag 14. juni 12:00-16:00
Hvor: The BBQ Shop AS, Sandviksveien 163, 1337 Sandvika
Pris: kr. 1290,- for «Lewis Sampler» for 2 personer (Kr. 645 per person). Begrenset antall forhåndssalg. Pris uten billett vil være 1590,- om vi har billetter igjen

Lewis startet med barbecue som tenåring etter at han han fikk sin første BBQ smoker i bursdagspresang fra sin pappa. Da han flyttet til Austin ble John kompis med Aaron Franklin som han hjalp med å åpne sin restaurant. Han ble senere også partner med Le Ann Mueller som åpnet LA Barbecue. I 2015 flyttet John Charleston, South Carolina hvor han i dag eier og driver 3 restauranter. Han åpner sin 4. restaurant i Atlanta senere i år. John er spesielt kjent for sin fantastiske Brisket og sine Texas Hot Guts pølser.

After John’s parents gave him a BBQ smoker for his birthday, he started dabbling in Austin’s longstanding tradition of the backyard barbecue. He was soon getting creative with both his smokers and his meats, taking liberties with the design and construction to try and yield a better result. After a stunt in Denver honing his craft in the competition barbecue circuit, John returned to Austin to help his friend Aaron Franklin as he opened Franklin Barbecue. Later he partnered with LeAnn Mueller to open the much-beloved La Barbecue.
In March 2015, John packed up his smokers and moved to the Charleston, NC, to introduce the Lowcountry to the great world of Texas barbecue. He and his barbecrew opened Lewis Barbecue in June 2016 and since then, his eponymous spot has been hailed as one of the best in the country for its legendary brisket, Texas Hot Guts and laid-back vibes. He runs 3 restaurants in South Carolina and will open the next one i Atlanta in 2025.

Welcome y’all to Lewis Barbecue Fest
When: Saturday June 14th 12:00 noon- 16:00
Where: The BBQ Shop AS, Sandviksveien 163, 1337 Sandvika Out-door event, under the covered roof out front of the store.
Price: Lewis BBQ sampler for 2 persons NOK 1290,- on presale. Price without ticket is 1590,- if we have any tickets left
Kr 1 290,00
Nettbutikk og Varehus
På lager
Id: 1800699192

